ETS Batu Gajah to Butterworth Penang KTM Schedule (Jadual) Train Price (Harga Tiket)

Last updated: 9 August 2024

If you want to travel to Penang Island, taking the ETS Batu Gajah to Butterworth (Penang Sentral) train service is by far the best way to travel for speed and convenience with both ETS Gold and Platinum trains on this route to choose from.

ETS Batu Gajah to Butterworth Penang Train Timetable

(Jadual ETS Batu Gajah ke Butterworth Penang)

These fast, modern, comfortable trains are operated by Malaysian Railways (Keretapi Tanah Melayu Berhad known as KTM or KTMB for short).

The duration of the journey by KTM train from Batu Gajah to Penang Sentral Butterworth takes a little under two hours (much faster than travelling by bus) to cover the roughly 170 km distance (jarak).

To see the KTM train timetable in the other direction from Butterworth to Batu Gajah click here >

KTM Batu Gajah to Butterworth Penang Train Timetable:

See the new full ETS timetable for 2024 - 2025 >

New ETS train timetable from 1st of August 2024:

Train Number Departs Batu Gajah Arrives Butterworth Book Online
*EP 9172 10:14 12:10 Book Tickets
*EP 9176 15:49 17:45 Book Tickets
*EP 9178 18:04 20:00 Book Tickets
EG 9322 20:41 22:42 Book Tickets
*EP 9180 22:24 00:20 Book Tickets

For ETS train prices/fares from Batu Gajah to Butterworth Penang click here >

Notes for the above timetable:

Train numbers starting with an EG are the cheaper ETS Gold Services.

Train numbers starting with an EP are the more expensive ETS Platinum Services.

Trains numbers with a * next to them are the newer ETS2 trains that have a Business Class carriage.

Once you arrive at the Butterworth KTM Railway Station, if you want to travel over to Georgetown on Penang Island, you have to take the short walk over to the Penang Sentral Terminal building where you can take a short boat ride over to Georgetown.

For information on Butterworth station, click on the picture link below:

ETS Train Ticket Price from Batu Gajah to Penang Sentral, Butterworth

 (Tambang / Harga Tiket ETS dari Batu Gajah ke Penang Sentral, Butterworth)

For the latest train fares and information on the KTM Flexi Fares, please see our:

Butterworth ETS ticket prices page here >

Buying ETS Train Tickets to Butterworth from Batu Gajah

(Beli Tiket ETS dari Batu Gajah ke Butterworth)

If you would like to travel on any ETS train in Malaysia you have to have a reserved seat to board the train and with the limited number of seats, it is always best to book in advance as trains can often be full during busy periods of the year (it is also cheaper if you book your tickets far in advance using the KTM Flexi Fare system).

To book your ETS tickets you can:

Go to any KTM ETS railway station ticket counter.

Or you can book seats/tickets online direct from the KTMB website >

Arriving at Butterworth Railway Station

Butterworth Railway Station is located just a couple of minutes walk away from the modern Penang Sentral Terminal transport hub where you can connect to local and long-distance buses or take the ferry over to Penang Island (Pulau Pinang)

For more information on the ferry over to Georgetown, click on the picture link below:

Related Pages:

Butterworth KTM Komuter and ETS trains main page >

Batu Gajah KTM trains main page >

ETS Batu Gajah to Bukit Mertajam >

ETS Batu Gajah to Taiping >

KTM Train Timetables main page >