ETS Butterworth to Parit Buntar
KTM Train Schedule (Jadual) & Ticket Price

If you want to travel from Penang to Parit Buntar as quickly as possible the ETS Butterworth to Parit Buntar train services are the quickest way to get there with the duration of the journey only 27 minutes.

These fast Electric Train Services are operated by Malaysian Railways KTM / KTMB (Keretapi Tanah Melayu Berhad).

KTM also offers a much cheaper option to travel by train from Penang to Parit Buntar, the KTM Komuter Utara trains (northern commuter trains).

To see the Komuter trains schedule click on the timetable link below:

KTM ETS Butterworth to Parit Buntar Train Timetable

(Jadaul KTM ETS Butterworth ke Parit Buntar)

To see the KTM train timetable in the other direction from Parit Buntar to Butterworth >

KTM Butterworth Penang to Parit Buntar ETS train timetable:

Full ETS Train Timetable:

To see the full ETS train schedule for all southbound trains from Butterworth Penang Sentral, click on the timetable link below:

For ETS train ticket price/fares from Butterworth to Parit Buntar click here >

KTM ETS Fares to Parit Buntar from Penang Sentral Butterworth

(Tambang / Harga Tiket ETS dari Butterworth Penang Sentral ke Parit Buntar )

To see the latest information on prices for KTM ETS trains from Butterworth, see our:

Butterworth ETS train fares page here >

If you want to see the fares for the KTM Komuuter train from Butterworth to Parit Buntar click here >

Buying ETS Tickets to Parit Buntar from Penang Island / Butterworth

To travel by ETS train, you really should book tickets in advance.

To book ETS tickets for departures from Butterworth you can:

1) Visit the KTM Ticket Office at the Penang Jeti (where the ferry over to Butterworth departs from).

2) Visit the KTM Butterworth Railway Station ticket counter.

3) Book tickets online from the KTMB website >

To travel by KTM Komuter train to Parit Bunter from Butterworth, you just turn up on the day of travel and buy your tickets from the ticket counter at the station (no advance booking is available or necessary for the commuter trains in Malaysia).

For how to take the ferry from Pulau Pinang to Butterworth, click on the picture link below:

Related pages:

About ETS trains in Malaysia >

ETS train schedules main page >

KTM Butterworth trains >

KTM Parit Buntar trains >