ETS Kajang to Arau KTM Train Schedule (Jadual) Price

To get from Kajang to Langkawi by train, one of the best routes to take is to take the ETS Kajang to Arau train as KTM Arau station is the closest stop to the ferry terminal at Kuala Perlis from where you can take a short ferry ride over to the island.

Another way to get to Langkawi by train is to take the Kajang to Alor Setar train.

The travel duration (tempoh perjalanan) of the direct train to Arau from Kajang is approximately 6 hours.

The distance (jarak) from Kajang to Arau is approximately 495 km.

ETS Schedule from Kajang to Arau

(Jadual ETS dari Kajang ke Arau)

Currently, there are few direct ETS trains from Kajang so the best option is to first take a KTM Komuter (commuter) train from Kajang to KL Sentral station if the departure time of the direct train does not fit into your plans.

From KL Sentral there are more services to Arau >

To view the ETS train timetable in the other direction from Arau to Kajang click here >

KTM Kajang to Arau ETS train schedule:

See the new full ETS timetable for 2024 - 2025 >

New ETS train timetable from 1st of August 2024:

Train Number Departs Kajang Arrives Arau Book Online
EG 9420 10:03 15:59 Book Tickets

Timetable notes:

This EG numbered train is an ETS Gold service.

To see the full ETS timetable for the route to KTM Arau, click on the timetable link below:

For information about the railway station in Arau and for how to get from the train station to the jetty at Kuala Perlis click on the picture link below:

ETS Kajang to Arau KTM Ticket Prices / Fares

(Tambang / Harga Tiket KTM ETS Kajang ke Arau)

As KTM now uses a Flexi Fare system for pricing train tickets, the price you pay for your tickets will vary from day-to-day.

For more information on Flexi Fares and a list of basic ticket prices to Arau click here >

Buy KTM Train Tickets from Kajang to Arau

(Beli Tiket Keretapi KTM dari Kajang ke Arau)

Travel by ETS train in Malaysia is by reserved seat only.

We would always advise booking your seats as far in advance as possible as trains are a popular way to travel to Langkawi Island and can be fully booked during busy times of the year.

To book tickets you can either visit any KTM ETS railway station ticket counter

Or you can book your tickets online >

For ferry departure time and fares from Kuala Perlis to Langkawi click on the picture link below:

Related pages:

KTM Kajang trains page >

KTM Arau trains page >

Full online ETS train timetables >