ETS Kampar to Arau KTM Train Schedule (Jadual) Price

Last updated: 9 August 2024

If you want to travel from Kampar to Langkawi by train, you could take the ETS Kampar to Arau KTM train service to get to the ferry terminal at Kuala Perlis or go via Alor Setar for the ferry from Kuala Kedah.

The advantage of travelling from Kampar to Kuala Perlis by train is that the ferry from here is the shortest boat ride at only one hour and 15 minutes and it is the cheapest ferry to Langkawi from anywhere in Malaysia.

The other option is to take the train from Kampar to Alor Setar, then take the ferry from Kuala Kedah Jetty.

The travel duration (tempoh perjalanan) for the train to Arau from Kampar averages at around three hours and 10 minutes.

The distance (jarak) from Kampar to Arau is approximately 315 km.

ETS Schedule from Kampar to Arau

(Jadual ETS dari Kampar ke Arau)

To see the ETS train timetable in the opposite direction from Arau to Kampar click here >

KTM Kampar to Arau ETS schedule train timetable:

See the new full ETS timetable for 2024 - 2025 >

New ETS train timetable from 1st of August 2024:

Train Number Departs Kampar Arrives Arau Book Online
*EP 9272 09:16 12:23 Book Tickets
*EP 9274 11:51 14:58 Book Tickets
EG 9420 12:47 15:59 Book Tickets
*EP 9278 00:46 03:53 Book Tickets

Timetable notes:

Train numbers with an EG at the start are the cheaper ETS Gold services.

Train numbers with an EP at the start are ETS Platinum services.

* These services are operated by the newer ETS2 trains and have one Business Class coach.

To see the full ETS timetable for all trains on the route to KTM Arau, click on the timetable link below:

For information about the KTM railway station in Arau, Perlis and for travel information on how to get from the train station to the Kuala Perlis jetty, click on the picture link below:

ETS Kampar to Arau KTM Ticket Prices / Fares

(Tambang / Harga Tiket KTM ETS Kampar ke Arau)

The prices for KTM ETS trains is not fixed under the Flexi Fare system (Tambang Fleksi) they use so what you pay will depend on a large number of different factors.

To learn more about the KTM Flexi Fares and see a list of basic ticket prices to Arau click here >

Buy KTM Train Tickets from Kampar to Arau

(Beli Tiket Keretapi KTM dari Kampar ke Arau)

When you travel by ETS train in Malaysia, you have to have a reserved seat in order to get on the train.

As seat numbers are limited, it is always the best advice to book in advance (it is also cheaper).

To book KTM train tickets you can either go to any ETS railway station ticket counter.

Or you can make a booking online >

For information about the fast boats that depart from Kuala Perlis Jetty to Langkawi Island (Pulau Langkawi), click on the picture link below:

Related pages:

Kampar KTM trains page >

Arau KTM trains page >

ETS online train timetables >

KTM Kampar to Padang Besar >