Last updated: 1 August 2024
Travel on the ETS KL Sentral to Sungai Petani high-speed Electric Train Service is quick and convenient with a number of departures a day in either direction.
(Jadual ETS dari KL Sentral ke Sungai Petani (SP))
To view the timetable in the opposite direction from SP to KL click here >
KTM KL Sentral to Sg. Petani ETS train timetable.
See the new full ETS timetable for 2024 - 2025 >
New ETS train timetable from 1st of August 2024:
Train Number | Departs KL Sentral | Arrives Sg. Petani | Book Online |
EP 9272 | 07:20 | 11:33 | Book Tickets |
EP 9274 | 09:55 | 14:08 | Book Tickets |
EG 9420 | 10:41 | 15:05 | Book Tickets |
EX 9206 | 18:00 | 21:46 | Book Tickets |
EP 9278 | 22:50 | 03:03 | Book Tickets |
Timetable notes:
EG numbered trains are ETS Gold Services.
EP numbered trains are ETS Platinum Services with fewer stops along the route, operated by the newer ETS2 trains that include a Business Class coach.
EX numbered trains are the new Express Services (from August 2024).
All trains operate daily.
You can also take these trains from the Old Kuala Lumpur Railway Station to SP >
Trains from Kuala Lumpur to Sungai Petani travel directly along the North - South railway line and stop at varying amounts of stations depending on which type of train you choose.
If you want to see the full timetable for all ETS trains on this route click here >
For information on Sungai Petani Railway Station click on the picture link below:
For alternative travel from Kuala Lumpur to Sg. Petani by bus:
Visit our online bus booking page here to find schedules and fares >
(Harga Tiket Keretapi KTM ETS dari Kuala Lumpur Sentral ke Sungai Petani)
Ticket prices on the ETS train from Kuala Lumpur Sentral to Sg. Petani varies depending on which type of service you choose:
For ETS Gold ticket prices click here >
For ETS Platinum prices click here >
Please note: Now that KTM has a new Flexi Fare booking system, prices will change depending on many different factors.
These include:
How far in advance you book (it is cheaper to book as far in advance as you can and more expensive if you wait until the last minute).
What time of day, day of the week and time of the year you are travelling in with many different Peak and Off Peak times that change the price slightly.
For more information about KTM Flexi Fares, see the following page on our site:
ETS Fares to/from KL Sentral in Kuala Lumpur >
(Beli Tiket di Keretapi ETS KL Sentral ke Sungai Petani)
Advance booking for these trains is highly recommended as trains can often run full during busy times of the year.
Train Tickets usually go on sale months in advance and can be purchased from any ticket counter at any KTMB main railway station.
If you can't make it to the station or just want to save yourselves the time and expensive of travelling there just to buy your tickets:
You can easily book your tickets online, either directly from the KTMB website (cheapest way), or you can use an online ticketing agent (fees apply).
To book your tickets online click here >
If you do go to KL Sentral to buy your tickets, be prepared for it to take some time as the ticket counter area is nearly always busy and you may have to wait quite a while to be served.
The procedure at the ticket counter at KL Sentral is to take a number from the KTM staff member at the desk, then wait in the seating area for your number to be called before you can go to the ticket counter.
All train times on this page are published for planning purposes only and may change without notice.
Related pages:
See all ETS train timetables >
ETS trains to Kedah main page >
All KTMB trains from KL Sentral station >
KL Sentral ETS Trains main page >
Sg. Petani KTMB Trains main page >