ETS Parit Buntar to Sungai Petani Schedule (Jadual KTM) Train

Last updated: 5 August 2024

There are a number of direct KTM ETS Parit Buntar to Sungai Petani train services every day that can take you from to Sungai Petani (SP) in Kedah.

This is easily the quickest way to get from Parit Buntar to SP.

However, if you want the cheapest way to travel, you can also take the really cheap KTM Komuter Utara (northern commuter) trains on this route (see below the ETS timetable for more information)

The duration of the train journey by ETS train from Parit Buntar to Sungai Petani is approximately 35 to 40 minutes.

ETS Train Schedule to Sungai Petani from Parit Buntar

(Jadual ETS Parit Buntar ke Sungai Petani)

For the ETS timetable in the opposite direction from Sungai Petani to Parit Buntar click here >

KTM Parit Buntar to SP ETS train schedule:

See the new full ETS timetable for 2024 - 2025 >

New ETS train timetable from 1st of August 2024:

Train Number Departs Parit Buntar Arrives Sg Petani Book Online
*EP 9272 10:56 11:33 Book Tickets
*EP 9274 13:31 14:08 Book Tickets
EG 9420 14:29 15:05 Book Tickets
*EP 9278 02:26 03:03 Book Tickets

ETS fares to Sungai Petani >

EG numbered trains = ETS Gold services.

EP numbered trains = ETS Platinum services.

To see the full ETS train schedule for all services to Sungai Petani, click on the following timetable link:

If you would like to check ETS departure times at the official KTM Berhad website click here >

Cheapest Way to get from Parit Buntar to SP

A much cheaper way to travel from Parit Buntar to Sungai Petani is to take one of the regular KTM Komuter Utara train services.

There are no direct Komuter trains from Parit Buntar to SP, so what you do is:

Take the Komuter train from Parit Buntar to Bukit Mertajam (BM) >

At BM, change trains for the other Komuter route to Padang Besar (stopping at Sungai Petani) >

Parit Buntar to Sungai Petani Train Fares / Ticket Prices

(Tambang / Harga Tiket Parit Buntar ke Sungai Petani)

To see the latest ETS train ticket prices Sungai Petani click here >

To see the ticket prices for the cheap KTM Komuter trains click here >

Booking Tickets for the ETS Parit Buntar to Sungai Petani Train

If you want to travel on the ETS train, you should always book your tickets in advance as these trains require you to have a seat reservation and can sometimes be fully booked.

To book advance ETS train tickets you can:

Go to any ticket counter at any ETS railway station.

Or you can book your ETS tickets online >

If you want to travel from Parit Buntar to SP on the cheap KTM Komuter trains, you just turn up at the station and buy your tickets for the next departure.

Parit Buntar KTM trains main page >

Sungai Petani KTM trains main page >

ETS train schedules main page >