Last updated: 31 July 2024
Most trains on the ETS Rawang to Kampar KTM route run on the dedicated KL Sentral to Ipoh ETS route, with the occasional long-distance train also running between these stations.
The duration of the journey by KTM train from Rawang to Kampar is approximately one hour and 20 minutes.
(Jadual KTM Rawang ke Kampar)
For the ETS timetable in the other direction from KTM Kampar to KTM Rawang click here >
KTM Rawang to Kampar ETS train timetable:
See the new full ETS timetable for 2024 - 2025 >
New ETS train timetable from 1st of August 2024:
Train Number | Departs Rawang | Arrives Kampar | Book Online |
EG 9022 | 09:40 | 11:02 | Book Tickets |
EG 9420 | 11:25 | 12:46 | Book Tickets |
EG 9028 | 15:45 | 17:07 | Book Tickets |
EG 9032 | 19:50 | 21:12 | Book Tickets |
ES 9052 | 22:25 | 23:49 | Book Tickets |
Timetable notes:
Train numbers beginning with an EG are ETS Gold services.
Train numbers beginning with an ES are the cheaper ETS Silver services.
Train numbers that start with "90" are services that run on the KL Sentral to Ipoh ETS route.
To see the full schedule for KTM ETS trains on this route, click here >
For the full schedule for other trains on the ETS long-distance route click here >.
(Tambang / Harga Tiket KTM ETS Rawang ke Kampar)
KTM train tickets from Rawang to Kampar cost approximately:
ETS Gold: Adult Fare: 26 MYR
ETS Silver: Adult Fare: 20 MYR
Please note: the prices shown above will vary depending on the KTM Flexi Fare rules where tickets are more expensive during Peak holiday periods of the year and at weekends and will also vary depending on how far in advance you book your seats.
Most of the time you will be able to get last-minute tickets on the trains from Rawang to Kampar that run on the dedicated KL - Ipoh ETS route.
However, it is always best to plan ahead and book cheaper tickets as far in advance as you can.
You can buy your advance KTM ETS train tickets from any ETS train station in Malaysia or far less time-consuming, you can book your train tickets online >
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