ETS Seremban to Arau KTM Train Schedule (Jadual) Fare

If you want to travel from Seremban to Langkawi by train, one of the most popular routes to take is to travel on the ETS Seremban to Arau train, then go to Kuala Perlis Jetty for the boat over to Kuah on Pulau Langkawi.

The duration of the journey by ETS from Seremban to Arau for the direct train is around six hours the three quarters.

KTM ETS Train Schedule to Arau from Seremban

(Jadual Keretapi KTM ETS ke Arau dari Seremban)

For departure times for ETS trains in the other direction from Arau to Seremban click here >

KTM Seremban to Arau ETS train timetable:

See the new full ETS timetable for 2024 - 2025 >

New ETS train timetable from 1st of August 2024:

Train Number Departs Seremban Arrives Arau Book Online
EG 9420 09:13 15:59 Book Tickets

If you want to see the full KTM ETS timetable for all trains to Arau, see the following page on our site:

This EG numbered train is an ETS Gold service.

Alternative ways to get from Seremban to Arau by Train

(Cara alternatif untuk pergi dari Seremban ke Arau dengan Keretapi)

As there is currently only one direct train to Arau from Seremban, another alternative way to travel by train is to first go to KL Sentral Railway Station where there are more ETS services going to Arau.

To get to KL Sentral from Seremban you can take one of the many cheap KTM Komuter train services (commuter).

For the Seremban to KL Sentral Railway Station Komuter train timetable click here >

For the ETS timetable from KL Sentral to Arau click here >

If you want to check ETS departure times from the official KTMB website click here >

KTM Arau Train Station to the Langkawi Ferry Jetty

(Stesen Keretapi KTM Arau ke Jeti Feri Langkawi)

Arau Railway Station is located approximately 18 km away from the jetty at Kuala Perlis where boats depart to Langkawi.

To get from KTM Arau to Kuala Perlis Jetty, the easiest and by far the quickest way to get there is to take a taxi.

If you are not in a rush, you can take a local MyBas Perlis bus from in front of the KTM Arau station to Kuala Perlis Bus Terminal via Kangar.

For more information, timetable and fares for the bus from Arau to Kuala Perlis you can visit:

The official MyBas (Maraliner) website (you need to look at the Bukit Lagi timetable and the Kangar - Changlun T10 bus route) >

For information on the train station in Arau, Perlis, click on the picture link below:

For ferry departure times and ticket prices from Kuala Perlis to Langkawi (Kuah):

See our Kuala Perlis to Langkawi ferry page here >

Bus from Seremban to Kuala Perlis Jetty

(Bas dari Seremban ke Jeti Kuala Perlis)

Another way to get from Seremban to Kuala Perlis Jetty is to take a bus / coach.

There are regular buses from Seremban Bus Terminal One to Kuala Perlis Bus Terminal which take around eight hours.

To find bus tickets click here >

ETS Seremban to Arau Fares / Ticket Prices

(Tambang / Harga Tiket ETS Seremban ke Arau)

To see the latest ETS fares from Seremban to Arau click here >

Buy Tickets on ETS Train from Seremban to Arau

(Beli Tiket di ETS Train dari Seremban ke Arau)

Whenever you want to travel on an ETS train in Malaysia you should always book your tickets in advance rather than just turning up at the station on the day you want to travel as trains can often be full.

This is because there are a limited amount of seats available, there are no standing passengers allowed and each passenger requires a reserved seat to board the train.

Booking advance tickets is an easy thing to do in Malaysia.

You can go to any ticket counter at any ETS train station.

Or you can buy your train tickets online >

Related pages:

Seremban KTM trains main page >

Arau KTM trains main page >

ETS KTM train schedules main page >

ETS Seremban to Alor Setar trains >

ETS Seremban to Anak Bukit trains >

ETS Seremban to Padang Besar trains >