ETS Seremban to Gurun KTM Train Schedule (Jadual) Price (Harga Tiket)

The ETS Seremban to Gurun train is a quick and easy way to travel to this town in Kedah state, Malaysia by either taking a direct train from Seremban station to Gurun or going via KL Sentral railway station where you will find more daily departures.

The duration of the journey by ETS train from Seremban to Gurun is approximately six hours.

ETS Schedule from Seremban to Gurun, Kedah

(Jadual ETS Seremban ke Gurun, Kedah)

For KTM ETS train timetable in the other direction from KTM Gurun to Seremban click here  >

KTM Seremban to Gurun ETS train timetable:

New full ETS timetable from 1st August 2024 >

New ETS train timetable from 1st of August 2024:

Train Number Departs Seremban Arrives Gurun Book Online
EG 9420 09:13 15:17 Book Tickets

If you would like to see the full train timetable for all northbound ETS trains, click on the timetable link below:

Timetable notes:

EG numbered trains are ETS Gold services.

EP numbered trains are ETS Platinum services.

Alternative ways to get from Seremban to Gurun by KTM Train

If the direct train from Seremban to Gurun does not fit into your plans, another alternative is to first travel to KL Sentral railway station where you will find more departures heading north to Kedah.

You can get from Seremban to KL Sentral by taking one of the frequent KTM Komuter trains to KL Sentral >

You can then connect to one of the KL Sentral to Gurun trains >

Timetables on our site are published for information and planning purposes only and may change without notice due to operational reasons. To check for any changes to departure times we recommend you visit the official KTM Berhad website by clicking here >

ETS Seremban to Gurun KTM Fares / Ticket Prices

(Tambang / Harga Tiket KTM ETS Seremban ke Gurun)

The KTM train fare from Seremban to Gurun is approximately 71 - 73 MYR (please note that prices are not fixed and will vary from those shown due to KTM Flexi Fare rules).

Booking Seats / Tickets for KTM ETS Trains

Long-distance KTM trains can often be fully booked well in advance of the departure date so it is always best to book your seats as far in advance as you can (it can also cheaper).

To book your tickets you can visit any ticket counter at any KTMB ETS railway station or you can book your KTM train tickets online >

Related pages:

Seremban KTM trains main page >

Gurun KTM trains main page >

All ETS train timetables >

Seremban to Alor Setar ETS train >

Seremban to Arau ETS train >

Seremban to Sungai Petani ETS train >

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