ETS Seremban to KL Sentral KTM Train Schedule (Jadual Keretapi)

The quickest way to get from Seremban to Kuala Lumpur Sentral Station is to take one of the ETS Seremban to KL Sentral fast trains.

However, these trains are very infrequent and more expensive than the much more frequent KTM Komuter train services that depart regularly from Seremban railway station.

The only real advantage of taking an ETS train is that you get a reserved seat number when you make your booking (unlike on the cheaper KTM Komuter train where seating is on a first-come, first-served basis).

Travelling by ETS train from Seremban to Kuala Lumpur Sentral railway station the duration of the journey is around an hour and a half.

ETS Seremban to KL Sentral Train Timetable

(Jadual Kereta Api ETS Seremban ke KL Sentral)

To see the train times for ETS services in the opposite direction from KL Sentral to Seremban click here >

KTM Seremban to KL Sentral ETS train timetable:

See the new full ETS timetable for 2024 - 2025 >

New ETS train timetable from 1st of August 2024:

Train Number Departs Seremban Arrives KL Sentral Book Online
EG 9420 09:13 10:36 Book Tickets
EG 9322 16:54 18:17 Book Tickets

To see the full ETS train schedule for all services from Seremban to Kuala Lumpur Sentral, click on the following timetable link:

Timetable notes:

EG numbered trains are the cheaper ETS Gold services.

EP numbered trains are ETS Platinum services.

Train services marked with a * include a business class coach.

If you want to check for any changes to the ETS schedule to KL Sentral station you can:

Visit the official KTM Berhad (Malaysian Railways) website by clicking here >

ETS Seremban to Kuala Lumur Sentra Fares / Ticket Prices

(Tambang / Harga Tiket)

The fare for this journey by ETS train is usually between 18 and 21 MYR (Gold train / Platinum train).

However, the price you pay for your tickets now varies depending on a number of rules under the KTM Flexi Fare system.

To learn more about the KTM Flexi Fares and to see a list of all the basic fares to KL Sentral click here >

Booking ETS Train Tickets

If you do want to travel by ETS train it is always best to book your seat as far in advance as you can (it is also cheaper).

If you go by KTM Komuter train, you just turn up at the station and buy your tickets from the station ticket counter.

The best way to buy ETS train tickets is to book them online >

Related pages:

Seremban KTM trains main page >

KL Sentral KTM trains main page >

Find the full ETS train timetables >

Find KTM Komuter train timetables >

ETS train from Seremban to Bandar Tasik Selatan (TBS Bus Terminal) >