ETS Sungai Buloh to Padang Besar Train Schedule (Jadual KTM)

Last updated: 31 July 2024

If you want to travel from Sg. Buloh to Hatyai in Thailand, taking the ETS Sungai Buloh to Padang Besar high-speed train (keretapi laju) offers a quick and reasonably priced way to get there.

KTM Sungai Buloh to Padang Besar ETS Train Schedule

(Jadual Keretapi ETS KTM Sungai Buloh ke Padang Besar)

To see the schedule in the other direction from Padang Besar to Sg. Buloh click here >

KTM Sungai Bulou to Padang Besar ETS train timetable:

See the new full ETS timetable for 2024 - 2025 >

New ETS train timetable from 1st of August 2024:

Train Number Departs Sg Buloh Arrives Pdg. Besar Book Online
EP 9272 07:47 12:41 Book Tickets
EP 9274 10:22 15:16 Book Tickets
EG 9420 11:10 16:18 Book Tickets
EX 9206 18:21 22:50 Book Tickets
EP 9278 23:17 04:11 Book Tickets

Notes for the above timetable:

Train numbers starting with an EG are the cheaper ETS Gold Services.

Train numbers starting with an EP are the ETS Platinum Services that include a business class carriage.

Train numbers starting with an EX are the new Express Services (from August 2024).

For ETS ticket prices to Padang Besar click here >

To see the full KTM ETS Timetable for all northbound trains to Padang Besar click here >

To get from Sungai Buloh to Hat Yai by train, you can connect to the SRT Pdg. Besar to Hat Yai Junction Railway Station Shuttle train.

To see the latest timetable for this service to Hat Yai click here >

If you want to travel further into Thailand you can take the:

Padang Besar to Bangkok train >

Or you can connect to more rail services from Hat Yai Junction.

To book train / bus tickets within Thailand click here >

Other options for onward travel from Padang Besar are available by crossing the main land border (located next to the station, connected by a pedestrian bridge across the tracks).

You can either arrange a taxi (from the bottom of the stairs of the bridge), take a local bus, or a much more frequent minivan from the centre of town (Thailand side).

ETS Sungai Buloh to Padang Besar Ticket Prices (Harga Tiket)

ETS fares (tambang) from Sungai Buloh to Padang Besar are approximately:

Gold Service:

Adult fare: 73 MYR

Platinum Service:

Adult fare: 94 MYR

Express Service:

Adult fare: 105 MYR

Booking Tickets

Advance booking is highly advisable if you want to travel on any of these trains to the Thai border.

You can book your tickets in advance by either:

Visiting any KTM ETS railway station ticket counter.

Or, you can easily book your seats online >

Related Links:

KTM Sungai Buloh page >

Sungai Buloh MRT trains page >

KTM Padang Besar page >

ETS Trains in Malaysia main page >

ETS Train Timetables main page >

ETS Sungai Buloh to Alor Setar trains >

ETS Sungai Buloh to Anak Bukit trains >

ETS Sungai Buloh to Arau trains >

ETS Sungai Buloh to Sungai Petani trains >