ETS Sungai Petani to Seremban KTM Train Schedule (Jadual) Ticket Price

Last updated: 4 August 2024

To get to Seremban from Sungai Petani (SP) by train you can go by the direct ETS Sungai Petani to Seremban train or if you would prefer to travel at a different time, you can take a more frequent ETS train from SP to KL Sentral Railway Station in Kuala Lumpur, then transfer to one of the frequent and cheap KTM Komuter (commuter) trains from KL to Seremban.

The duration of the train journey by the direct ETS to Seremban from SP is a little under six hours.

ETS Train Schedule from Sungai Petani to Seremban

(Jadual ETS Sungai Petani ke Seremban)

To view the train timetable in the opposite direction from Seremban to Sungai Petani click here >

KTM SP to Seremban ETS train timetable.

New full ETS timetable from 1st August 2024 >

New ETS train timetable from 1st of August 2024:

Train Number Departs Sg. Petani Arrives Seremban Book Online
EG 9425 17:05 23:03 Book Tickets

For all the latest ETS train fares from Sg. Petani click here >

This EG numbered service is an Gold ETS train.

Alternative KTM Trains from SP to Seremban

If you want a slightly cheaper (if you use the Gold services) way to travel to Seremban by KTM train you can:

Take an ETS train from Sungai Petani to KL Sentral Station in Kuala Lumpur >

From KL Sentral you can connect to the frequent KTM Komuter train service from KL Sentral to Seremban >

To see the most recent full ETS train schedule from Sg. Petani to KL Sentral and Seremban, click on the following timetable link:

If you want to visit the official website to check train departure times click here >

ETS Sungai Petani to Seremban Train Fare / Ticket Price

(Tambang / Harga Tiket KTM Sungai Petani ke Seremban)

For all the latest ETS ticket prices from Sg. Petani to Seremban click here >

Buying ETS Train Tickets from Sg. Petani

If you plan to travel on any ETS train in Malaysia, you should plan ahead and make an advance booking whenever you can so you can guarantee getting a seat on the particular train you want.

To book your advance ETS train tickets you can:

Visit Sungai Petani KTM Railway Station (or any other ETS railway station in Malaysia) and buy your tickets from the ticket counter.

Or you can book your ETS tickets direct from the KTMB website for the same price >

Sungai Petani KTM trains main page >

Seremban KTM trains main page >

KTM Berhad ETS timetables main page >