ETS Taiping to Sungai Petani Schedule (Jadual KTM) Train Ticket Price

Last updated: 5 August 2024

The quickest way to travel from Taiping in Perak to Sungai Petani (SP) in Kedah is to take the ETS Taiping to Sungai Petani train operated by KTMB (Keretapi Tanah Melayu Berhad).

Another option, which works out to be the cheapest way to get from Taiping to SP is to take the really cheap KTM Komuter train service via Bukit Mertajam (see below the ETS timetable for more information).

The duration of the train journey by ETS from Taiping to Sungai Petani (SP) is around one hour and 5 minutes.

ETS Train Schedule to Sungai Petani from Taiping

(ETS Taiping ke Sungai Petani Jadual)

For the timetable for ETS trains in the opposite direction from Sungai Petani to Taiping click here >

KTM Taiping to KTM Sungai Petani ETS train timetable:

See the new full ETS timetable for 2024 - 2025 >

New ETS train timetable from 1st of August 2024:

Train Number Departs Taiping Arrives Sg. Petani Book Online
*EP 9272 10:28 11:33 Book Tickets
*EP 9274 13:03 14:08 Book Tickets
EG 9420 14:00 15:05 Book Tickets
EX 9206 20:48 21:46 Book Tickets
*EP 9278 01:58 03:03 Book Tickets

Sungai Petani ETS fares >

* Operates with the new ETS2 train that includes a Business Class carriage.

EG numbered trains are ETS Gold services.

EP numbered trains are ETS Platinum services.

EX numbered trains are ETS Express services.

To see the full ETS timetable for all trains to SP, click on the following link:

If you want to check ETS times at the official website click here >

Cheapest Way to get from Taiping to SP

If you are on a tight budget, there is a really cheap way to travel from Taiping to Sungai Petani (even cheaper than a bus).

What you can do is use the cheap KTM Komuter Utara trains (northern commuter).

First, take the KTM Komuter train from Taiping to Bukit Mertajam >

At Bukit Mertajam you then have to change trains onto another Komuter service from Bukit Mertajam to Sungai Petani >

Arriving at Sungai Petani Railway Station

When you arrive at the KTM Sungai Petani Railway Station it is just a short walk to the town centre.

Once you have left the station, turn right and you will see a pedestrian bridge going over the railway tracks.

Cross the tracks and walk straight ahead for less than a minute and you have arrived at the main road running through the centre of town.

Taiping to Sungai Petani Train Fares / Ticket Prices

(Tambang / Harga Tiket Taiping ke Sungai Petani)

To see the latest ETS train ticket prices from Taiping to SP click here >

To see the fare for the cheap KTM Komuter trains click here >

Booking Tickets for the ETS Taiping to Sungai Petani Train

When you travel by ETS train in Malaysia you need to have a reserved seat (no standing passengers are allowed).

As trains can be full during busy periods, it is always best to book your ETS tickets in advance rather than just turning up at Taiping station hoping to get a seat.

Booking advance ETS tickets is easy to do.

You can go to the ticket counter at any ETS train station.

Or you can buy your train tickets online >

If you want to travel on the cheap KTM Komuter trains there is no reservation needed (you just turn up and buy your tickets for the next train).

Taiping KTM trains main page >

Sungai Petani KTM trains main page >

ETS KTM train timetables main page >