ETS Tanjung Malim to Arau KTM Train Schedule (Jadual) Price

Last updated: 31 July 2024

Taking the ETS Tanjung Malim to Arau train is a good option for those seeking to get to Langkawi Island by train as the KTM Arau railway station is the closest train station to Kuala Perlis from where regular boats leave for Kuah on the island.

The travel duration (tempoh perjalanan) of the train journey to Arau from Tanjung Malim is around four hours.

The distance (jarak) from Tanjung Malim to Arau is approximately 400 km.

KTM ETS Schedule Tanjung Malim to Arau

(Jadual KTM ETS Tanjung Malim ke Arau)

To see the ETS train schedule in the opposite direction from KTM Arau to Tg Malim click here >

KTM Tanjung Malim to Arau ETS train timetable:

See the new full ETS timetable for 2024 - 2025 >

New ETS train timetable from 1st of August 2024:

Train Number Departs Tg. Malim Arrives Arau Book Online
EP 9278 00:02 03:53 Book Tickets
EP 9272 08:32 12:23 Book Tickets
EP 9274 11:07 14:58 Book Tickets
EG 9420 11:59 15:59 Book Tickets

Timetable notes:

EG numbered trains are the cheaper ETS Gold Services.

EP numbered trains are the more expensive ETS Platinum Services that also include a business class carriage.

To see the full ETS train schedule for all northbound KTM services to Arau, click here >

ETS Tanjung Malim to Arau KTM Ticket Price

(Harga Tiket KTM ETS Tanjung Malim ke Arau)

Train fares to Arau are not fixed

The Flexi Fare system used by KTM will mean you pay different prices depending on:

How far you book in advance (the further in advance the cheaper).

What time of the day, day of the week and time of the year you are travelling in with various "Peak" and "Off-Peak" times to consider.

To learn more about how KTM calculate ETS fares and a price list of basic fares to KTM Arau station click here>

Buy KTM Train Tickets from Tanjung Malim to Arau

(Beli Tiket Keretapi KTM dari Tanjung Malim ke Arau)

When travelling by ETS train in Malaysia, your ticket gets you a reserved seat number in one of the six coaches and you will need a seat reservation to board the train.

As seat numbers are limited and trains get can very busy, it is always best to book your ETS tickets as far in advance as possible (it is also cheaper).

To make an advance seat reservation you can go to any KTMB ETS railway station ticket counter.

Or far quicker and more convenient, you can book tickets online >

If you are travelling to Arau to get to Langkawi (Pulau Langkawi), to get from the KTM Arau train station to the ferry terminal you can either:

Take a taxi.

Or, if you are not in a hurry, take a local MyBas Perlis bus from outside the station to Kangar, then another MYBas bus from Kangar to Kuala Perlis Bus Terminal.

For more information about the train station in Arau and how to get to the Kuala Perlis Jetty, click on the picture link below:

For information on the fast boats from Kuala Perlis Jetty to Langkawi, click on the picture link below:

Another way to travel from Tanjung Malim to Langkawi by train is to take an ETS train from Tg Malim to Alor Setar in Kedah.

The train station in Alor Setar is a little closer to the ferry terminal at Kuala Kedah but the boat is a little more expensive and takes 30 minutes longer than a boat from Kuala Perlis.

Related pages:

Arau KTMB trains main page >

Tanjung Malim KTMB trains main page >

All KTMB train timetables in Malaysia >

KTM Tanjung Malim to Anak Bukit >

KTM Tanjung Malim to Padang Besar >

KTM Tanjung Malim to Alor Setar >