ETS Tanjung Malim to Butterworth Penang KTM Schedule (Jadual) Train Ticket Price

Last updated: 31 July 2024

The fastest way to travel to Penang Island is to take one of the ETS Tanjung Malim to Butterworth (Penang Sentral) trains. Once you arrive, it is then just a short walk over to the ferry jetty and a short 15 minute boat trip over to Georgetown.

These trains are operated by Malaysian Railways (Keretapi Tanah Melayu Berhad known as KTM or KTMB for short).

The duration of the journey from Tanjung Malim to Penang Sentral is a little under three hours.

ETS Tanjung Malim to Butterworth Penang Train Timetable

(Jadual ETS Tanjung Malim ke Butterworth Penang)

If you want to travel by ETS train in the other direction from Butterworth Penang to Tanjung Malim you can see the timetable here >

KTM Tanjung Malim to Penang Butterworth train schedule:

See the new full ETS timetable for 2024 - 2025 >

New ETS train timetable from 1st of August 2024:

Train Number Departs Tg Malim Arrives Butterworth Book Online
EP 9172 09:17 12:10 Book Tickets
EP 9176 14:52 17:45 Book Tickets
EP 9178 17:07 20:00 Book Tickets
EG 9322 19:40 22:42 Book Tickets
EP 9180 21:27 00:20 Book Tickets

For ETS train prices from Tanjung Malim to Butterworth click here >

Notes for the above timetable:

EG numbered trains are the cheaper ETS Gold Services.

EP numbered trains are the ETS Platinum Services that include a business class carriage.

Please note: The ferry from Butterworth to Georgetown on Penang Island stops running at around midnight so if you want to stay on Penang Island and don't want to take an expensive taxi over the Penang bridge, see below:

Another way of travelling from Tg Malim to Penang by train is to take one of the ETS trains heading to Padang Besar and getting off at either Ipoh, Taiping or Parit Buntar.

From these stations you can then connect to the cheap KTM Komuter network (Northern Commuter) for trains to Butterworth.

To see the schedule for all ETS train heading north, click here >

ETS Train Fares from Tanjung Malim to Penang Sentral, Butterworth

 (Tambang / Harga Tiket ETS Tanjung Malim ke Penang Sentral, Butterworth)

As KTM has introduced a Flexi Fare system, prices for tickets can now vary depending on how far in advance you book (the further in advance the cheaper) and when you want to travel (peak and off peak times and days)

For the latest fares and information on the KTM Flexi Fare system, please see our:

Butterworth ETS Train Ticket Prices page here >

Booking ETS Train Tickets from Tg. Malim to Butterworth

For any journey by ETS train in Malaysia, booking an advance ticket is highly advisable as ETS trains can get very busy during public and school holidays, religious festival days and even some weekends.

Booking advance ETS tickets is very easy to do.

You have a choice of going in person to your nearest ETS railway station ticket counter.

Or, a much easier and less time consuming way is to book tickets online from the official KTMB website >

Related Pages:

Butterworth ETS and KTM Komuter trains main page >

Tanjung Malim KTM trains main page >

ETS Tanjung Malim to Bukit Mertajam >

ETS Tanjung Malim to Parit Buntar >

ETS Tanjung Malim to Taiping >

ETS Tanjung Malim to Ipoh >

ETS Trains main page >

ETS Schedules main page >

KTM Schedules main page >