Last updated: 31 July 2024
If you want to travel from Terminal Bersepadu Selatan (TBS Bus Terminal) to Alor Setar, most people use the bus. However, you can also use the fast ETS train as the Bandar Tasik Selatan (BTS) Railway Station is located right next to the bus terminal (joined by a pedestrian bridge).
Taking the train is slightly more expensive than travel by bus from TBS to Alor Setar, but is quicker and the railway station in Alor Setar is located close to the city centre, whereas the bus station is located quite a few kilometres away from the centre.
(Jadual ETS dari TBS / BTS ke Alor Setar)
To see the ETS timetable in the other direction from Alor Setar to TBS click here >
KTM Bandar Tasik Selatan to Alor Setar ETS train timetable (Jadual Perjalanan):
See the new full ETS timetable for 2024 - 2025 >
New ETS Timetable from 1st August, 2024:
Train Number | Departs BTS / TBS | Arrives Alor Setar | Book Online |
EG 9420 | 10:22 | 15:36 | Book Tickets |
For the latest ETS train ticket prices to Alor Setar click here >
This train is an ETS Gold service.
Currently, there is only one direct train from TBS to Alor Setar.
For more frequent departures you can take the short trip (either by a KTM Komuter train or KLIA Transit train) to KL Sentral Railway Station, where you will find more ETS departures to Alor Setar.
For more information about getting from TBS to KL Sentral click here >
For all trains on the KL Sentral to Alor Setar route (laluan):
To find timetables or book tickets for the bus from TBS to Alor Setar:
Fares for the direct Gold ETS train from TBS / BTS to Alor Setar cost:
Adult - 71 MYR
Children - 40 MYR
Fares for ETS trains from KL Sentral to Alor Setar:
Gold Services:
70 MYR for Adults - 39 MYR for Children.
Platinum Services:
93 MYR for Adults - 51 MYR for Children.
If you want to travel on any ETS train service within Malaysia, you will have to reserve a seat.
Seats can sell out at busy times of the year, so making an advance booking is highly recommended.
To book your ETS train seats you can either:
Visit any mainline ETS station ticket counter.
Or book tickets online directly from KTM or by using an online ticket agent >
If you are travelling from TBS to Langkawi Island, you can get to the nearby Kuala Kedah Jetty by local bus from the centre of Alor Setar or taxi from the railway station.
For the ferry timetable and fares from Kuala Kedah to Langkawi click here >
Related Pages:
KTM Bandar Tasik Selatan trains main page >
KTM Alor Setar trains main page >
ETS TBS to Arau > (for the ferry to Langkawi from Kuala Perlis Jetty)
Kuala Lumpur ETS Trains main page >
KTM Komuter schedules main page >