KL Sentral to Serdang KTM Komuter Train Schedule (Jadual) & Fare 2025

If you want to travel from KL Sentral to Serdang (Seri Kembangan), the most direct, fastest and cheapest way to get there is to take a KTM Komuter train (commuter) operated by Malaysian Railways (KTMB) who run regular services on the Batu Caves - Tampin/Pulau Sebang Komuter Route (Laluan).

For travel in the opposite direction from Serdang click here >

KTM KL Sentral to Serdang Komuter Timetable

(Jadual Waktu Komuter KTM KL Sentral ke Serdang)

To see the latest commuter schedules from KL Sentral station to Serdang, click on the timetable link below:

To see the Komuter train timetable in the opposite direction from Serdang to KL Sentral, please see:

our Tampin to Batu Caves timetables page here >

To check for the latest train departures and commuter train information from the official KTMB website:

You can visit KTMB.com.my Komuter Trains page here >

The duration of the train trip to Serdang from KL Sentral station takes approximately 25 minutes and stops at the following stations along the route (laluan):

KTM Komuter train on the Serdang routeKTM Komuter train on the Serdang route

KTM Ticket Price to Serdang from KL Sentral

(Harga Tiket KTM ke Serdang dari KL Sentral)

The KTM Komuter train from KL Sentral to Serdang costs 2.90 MYR (Cash Price).

You can buy your tickets (tokens) on the day of travel from the KTM Komuter ticket counter located on the main concourse of KL Sentral station.

The ticket counter is right next to the Komuter departure gates.

Once you have your tokens, you want to take the next train heading in the direction of Sungai Gadut or Tampin/Pulau Sebang.

For all Cash Price Komuter fares to/from all destinations to/from KL Sentral click here >

Seating on these commuter trains is arranged along the sides of the carriages with plenty of space for standing passengers along the central aisle of the carriage.

If you want to avoid the crowds, try travelling during the later morning or early afternoon so you miss all the commuting passengers heading in and out of the city for work.

Carriage on a KTM Komuter train in KLCarriage on a KTM Komuter train in KL

Related Pages:

All KTM Komuter train timetables and routes in Malaysia >

KTM Serdang Komuter trains page >

KTM KL Sentral trains page >

Other KTM Komuter routes from KL Sentral:

KL Sentral to Seremban KTM Komuter trains >

KL Sentral to Batu Caves >

KL Sentral to Mid Valley >

KL Sentral to Salak Selatan >

KL Sentral to TBS >

KL Sentral to Nilai >

Kl Sentral to Kajang >

KL Sentral to Bangi >