KTM Ipoh to Nibong Tebal ETS Train Schedule (Jadual) Price (Harga Tiket)

To get from KTM Ipoh to Nibong Tebal railway station you can take a direct ETS train or you can take a much more frequent KTM Komuter Utara (Northern Commuter) train.

ETS Schedule from Ipoh to Nibong Tebal

(Jadual ETS dari Ipoh ke Nibong Tebal)

To see the full train schedule for all northbound ETS trains from Ipoh, click on the following timetable link:

To see the ETS timetable in the other direction for trains from KTM Nibong Tebal to KTM Ipoh click here >

To see the latest ETS ticket prices from KTM Ipoh train station click here >

All train times shown from the KTM Ipoh railway station are published for planning and information purposes only and may change due to operational reasons without notice. Before travelling to Nibong Tebal by train, you may want to check for any changes to the KTM train schedule by visiting the official website of Malaysia Railways Keretapi Tanah Melayu Berhad (KTMB.com.my) here >

KTM Ipoh to Nibong Tebal Ticket Prices / Fares

(Tambang / Harga Tiket KTM Ipoh ke Nibong Tebal)

KTM fares for the direct ETS train from Ipoh to Nibong Tebal cost approximately:

Adult 27 MYR - Child 18 MYR

Please note: The price you pay for ETS train tickets will vary slightly from those shown above due to the KTM Flexi Fare rules.

For the cheap KTM Komuter train prices click here >

Booking Tickets for the ETS Ipoh to Nibong Tebal Train

It is always best to book advance tickets whenever you travel by ETS train in Malaysia.

To book train tickets in advance you can go to the ticket counter at the KTM Ipoh railway station.

Or you can book KTM Berhad train tickets online >

KTM Komuter train tickets are only sold on the day of departure.

Related pages:

Ipoh KTM trains main pages >

Nibong Tebal KTM trains main page >

ETS trains in Peninsular Malaysia main page >

KTM Ipoh to Sungai Siput >

KTM Ipoh to Kuala Kangsar >

KTM Ipoh to Bagan Serai >

KTM Ipoh to Padang Rengas >

KTM Ipoh to Bukit Mertajam >

KTM Ipoh to Butterworth >

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