KTM KL Sentral to Batu Caves
Komuter Train Schedule and Fares (2025)

A popular day trip from Kuala Lumpur is to take the KTM KL Sentral to Batu Caves Komuter Train to visit the famous temple caves.

The Komuter Train from Kuala Lumpur to Batu Caves takes just over half an hour, with many services from the first early morning train, until late at night.

For travel in the opposite direction to KL Sentral click here >

KTM Komuter train to Batu CavesKTM Komuter train to Batu Caves

You can choose to take the train from either KL Sentral Railway Station or the old Kuala Lumpur Moorish Station (trains depart from the old station KL Station around 5 to 6 minutes later than trains from KL Sentral)

KL Sentral to Batu Caves Komuter Timetable (Jadual)

To see the ticket price list for Komuter trains from KL Sentral click here >

For all KTM Komuter fares to/from Batu Caves click here >

To see the full new timetable for this Komuter line click here >

To see the timetable from Batu Caves to Kuala Lumpur click here >

KTM KL Sentral to Batu Caves Komuter Train Ticket Price (Harga Tiket)

KTM Komuter Train tickets are only sold on the day of travel and no advance purchase is available or necessary.

For the latest Komuter train fares from KL Sentral click here >

Tickets are sold from the ticket counter right next to the KTM Komuter departure gates at KL Sentral station.

KTM Komuter departure gates at KL SentralKTM Komuter departure gates at KL Sentral
Seats on a KTM Komuter trainSeats on a KTM Komuter train
Batu Caves station signBatu Caves station sign

Related pages:

Monorail trains to KL Sentral >

LRT trains to KL Sentral >

MRT trains to KL Sentral >

LRT train to Batu Caves >

KTM Komuter Train Schedules main page >

KL Sentral ETS Trains main page >

Batu Caves KTM Komuter trains main page >

Kuala Lumpur Old Station to Batu Caves >

Bank Negara to Batu Caves >

Putra to Batu Caves >

Sentul to Batu Caves >

KL Sentral to Batu Kentonmen >

KTM KL Sentral to Taman Wahyu >

KTM KL Sentral to Kampung Batu >