KTM Mid Valley to KL Sentral Komuter Train Schedule (Jadual) 2025

To travel quickly and cheaply from Mid Valley to Kuala Lumpur Sentral Railway Station, the best way to go is by the KTM Mid Valley to KL Sentral Komuter (commuter) train with regular departures throughout the day, from early in the morning until late in the evening.

For how to travel in the other direction from KL Sentral to Mid Valley click here >

KTM Mid Valley to KL Sentral Komuter Timetable

(Jadual Waktu Komuter KTM Mid Valley ke KL Sentral)

For KTM Komuter fares (tambang) to KL Sentral from Mid Valley click here >

KTM Komuter schedule from Mid Valley to KL Sentral.

For the train schedule in the opposite direction from KL Sentral to Mid Valley click here >

Train departure times from Mid Valley:

Trains to KL Sentral Station from Mid Valley take only 5 to 6 minutes and there are no other stops between the two stations.

If you would like to see the full KTM Komuter train schedule with all stops/stations along this route click here >

KTM Komuter train on the Mid Valley lineKTM Komuter train on the Mid Valley line

If you would like to check for any updates, travel disruption or to find fares for this or any other Komuter route in Malaysia, you can:

visit the official KTM website Komuter Trains page here >

If you are travelling to KL Sentral Railway station from Mid Valley to connect with a long-distance Electric Train Service (ETS), you can see the timetables for these services on the following pages:

ETS timetable from south to north >

ETS timetable from north to south >

If you want to connect to other KTM Komuter train services from KL Sentral, you can see all Komuter train timetables from the following page:

KTM Komuter train timetables in Malaysia main page >

Related Pages:

Mid Valley KTM Komuter ticket prices (harga tiket) >

KTM Mid Valley Trains main page >

KTM KL Sentral Trains main page >

Other trains on the route to KL Sentral or Mid Valley:

TBS / BTS to KL Sentral >

Mid Valley to Batu Caves >

Mid Valley to TBS / BTS >

Mid Valley to Kajang >

Mid Valley to Nilai >

Mid Valley to Serdang >

Nilai to KL Sentral >

Kajang to KL Sentral >

Seremban to KL Sentral >