Sungai Petani to Arau KTM Komuter Train Timetable (Jadual) 2025

The easiest and most direct way to travel from Sungai Petani to Arau is to take one of the frequent KTM Komuter Utara trains (northern commuter) that operate on the route from Butterworth to Padang Besar on the Thai border.

A more expensive, but less frequent option is to take one of the more comfortable ETS trains.

KTM Commuter Timetable for the Train to Arau from Sungai Petani

(Jadual KTM Komuter Sungai Petani ke Arau)

These services run every one or two hours from the early morning until late evening.

To see the most recent Sungai Petani KTM Komuter Utara train timetable to Arau, please click on the following link:

If you want to see the Komuter train schedule in the opposite direction from Arau to Sungai Petani:

See the southbound KTM Komuter Utara timetable by clicking here >

How long is the commuter train journey from Sungai Petani to Arau?

The duration of the journey by KTM Komuter train to Arau KTM Station from Sungai Petani KTM Station is scheduled to take just 58 minutes.

ETS Train to Arau from Sungai Petani

(Kereta ETS ke Arau dari Sungai Petani)

As the commuter trains can get quite busy, you may want to consider taking one of the more comfortable Electric Train Services (ETS) from SP to Arau.

If you do travel by ETS, it is much more expensive, but you do get a reserved seat (unlike commuter trains where seating is on a first-come, first-served basis).

KTM Komuter Sungai Petani to Arau Ticket Prices / Fares

(Tambang / Harga Tiket KTM Sungai Petani ke Arau)

To see the latest ticket price list for the KTM Komuter trains click here >

To see the latest ticket price list for ETS trains click here >

For arrival information about the train station in Arau, Perlis, click on the picture link below:

Buy KTM Train Tickets to Arau

(Beli Tiket Keretapi KTM ke Arau)

If you decide to travel by KTM Komuter train, there is no need to book in advance.

Just go to the ticket office at Sungai Petani Railway Station, buy your commuter tickets to Arau and hop on the next KTM Komuter train heading north.

If you decide you want to go by ETS train, it is always best to book your seats in advance.

You can book advance tickets from the train station or you can book them online >

If you are travelling from Sungai Petani to Langkawi via KTM Arau, once you arrive at Arau station, there are a couple of ways of getting to the ferry departure point at Kuala Perlis Jetty.

By far the quickest but most expensive way to get to the jetty from the station is to take a taxi.

The other much cheaper, but much more time-consuming way to get to the jetty is to take a MyBas Perlis bus from the bus stop just outside the station entrance, to Kuala Perlis Bus Terminal.

The first step of the journey by bus is to take the bus from Arau to Kangar bus terminal (Bukit Lagi).

From there you will have to take another bus to Kuala Perlis.

For bus timetables and ticket prices:

Please visit the official MyBas (Maraliner) website here >

For ferry departure times and prices from Kuala Perlis to Langkawi click here >

Related pages:

How to get from Sungai Petani to Kuala Perlis Jetty for boats to Pulau Langkawi >

Sungai Petani KTM trains main page >

Arau KTM trains main page >

Alor Setar to Arau trains >

KTM Komuter trains in Malaysia main page >

More KTM routes from SP:

SP to Alor Setar >

SP to Butterworth Penang Sentral >

SP to Bukit Mertajam >

SP to Gemas >

SP to Ipoh >

SP to KL Sentral >

SP to Taiping >