Train from Bangkok to Surat Thani Schedule -
Night Sleeper, Day Express
(for Ferry to Koh Samui & Koh Phangan)

The train from Bangkok to Surat Thani leaves Bang Sue Grand nine times a day and takes between 9 to 11 hours to cover the 651 km route. Tickets cost between 217 THB for a seat in 3rd class and over 1500 for a sleeping berth in 1st class.

The train is one of the best ways to get to the islands of Koh Samui or Koh Phangan from Bangkok, as Surat Thani Station has good connections to the ferry ports.

First take an overnight train / sleeper train from Bangkok and then a bus from the train station to one of the ferry ports.

Surat Thani railway station is also the place to go if you want to travel by train from Bangkok to Phuket and Krabi as you can transfer to a waiting bus from the station to the west coast of Thailand.

train at Bangkok train stationSRT train at Bangkok train station

Train Timetable from Bangkok to Surat Thani

To see the train schedule from Surat Thani to Bangkok click here >

Train Depart Arrive Type More Info
43 07:30 16:20 Special Express DRC Info>
171 15:10 01:11 Rapid Info>
37 / 45 16:10 01:49 Special Express Info>
31 16:50 02:20 Special Express Info>
169 17:30 04:06 Rapid Info>
83 18:50 04:58 Express Info>
85 19:50 06:23 Express Info>
167 20:30 07:16 Rapid Info>
39 22:50 07:50 Special Express DRC Info>
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To see a full list of Ticket Prices and seat and bed classes available on these trains click here >

To check the latest departure times with Thai Railways, visit their timetable page on their website here >

All trains now depart from the new railway terminal in Bangkok - Krung Thep Aphiwat Central Terminal (Bang Sue Grand Station).

Train numbers 43 and 39 are sprinter diesel rail-cars (DRC) made up of usually just two or three carriages with only second class air-conditioned seating available. Airline type meals and soft drinks are also provided.

Sleeper Trains: All trains except the DRC trains above have sleeping beds available.

The distance from Bangkok to Surat Thani is 651 km by train.

To view the full timetables and learn more about each individual train, click on a train number below or on the Info link in the timetable above:

If you are thinking of travelling from Bangkok to Koh Samui by bus, you can easily buy combination tickets, which include the bus fare and ferry over to the island:

Visit our bus booking page here for prices and times >

Where to Book Tickets for the Train from Bangkok to Surat Thani

You can buy advance train tickets to Surat Thani from any main SRT station in the country or for a small fee, you can book tickets online using the SRT booking website or an online agent.

To book tickets online, visit our Thai train booking page here >

ticket counter a Bangkok stationThe ticket counter a Bangkok station

Surat Thani railway station is not actually in Surat Thani city but is located in Phun Phin some 15 km from the city.

Buses and minibuses run from the railway station to the ferry terminals as well as to Phuket, Krabi and many other destinations in southern Thailand.

To book bus tickets online in Thailand click here >

Alternatively you can buy combination train and ferry or train and bus tickets from travel agents in Bangkok. You can not however, buy combo tickets directly from SRT at the railway station in Bangkok.

If you are interested in booking a combo ticket to Koh Samui click here >

Related Links:

Related Pages:

Bangkok to Koh Samui by Train >

More Trains from Bangkok >